The chupacabra is a legendary creature that is said to inhabit parts of the Americas, particularly in Latin America and the southwestern United States. The name “chupacabra” is Spanish for “goat sucker,” which refers to the creature’s alleged habit of attacking and drinking the blood of livestock, especially goats and sheep.
While some people believe that the chupacabra is a real animal or creature, there is no scientific evidence to support its existence, and most scientists and experts consider it to be a mythical or legendary creature. Some experts have suggested that chupacabra sightings may be the result of misidentified or exaggerated reports of known animals such as coyotes, wild dogs, or even hairless bears or raccoons.
Chupacabra sightings have taken place as far north as Oregon and Pennsylvania.

As with most creatures that dominate North American folklore, it’s hard to get a really solid description on exactly what the chupacabra looks like. In most American and Mexican stories, it’s a vaguely canid creature, with a profile that might be the same as a large wolf. Unlike a dog or wolf, though, its most dominant feature is a row of spines that reaches all the way from the nape of its neck to the tip of its tale.
Size is the biggest variable for this creature. In the original stories from Puerto Rico, the chupacabra was usually depicted as around the size of a small bear. In most mainland stories, however, it ranges from the size of a coyote to that of a large wolf. Other features, such as whether or not it has fur, tend to vary both regionally and by the story.
The original version of the chupacabra, however, was quite different. It was not only much more lizard-like, but it was bipedal and hopped like a kangaroo. Oddly, this version of the creature is only cited in the original myths based in Puerto Rico.
It’s probably best to divide the stories about the chupacabra into two different categories. The first stories are those based in Puerto Rico, while the rest are those based in the continental United States and Mexico.
The Puerto Rican stories of the chupacabra only date back to 1996, and they all concern the slaughter of livestock. The original stories feature slaughtered sheep who were drained of their blood, followed soon by similar stories concerning goats.
The stories on the continent follow soon after, with less of an emphasis on blood sucked out of animals and more on the slaughter of livestock. While the stories from Puerto Rico tend to have connections to other monstrous acts, the stories in North America tend to be more focused on natural explanations.

The chupacabra doesn’t have any magical or supernatural powers. Instead, it seems to be a folkloric mystery creature, one that conforms to the rules of the natural world but that simply isn’t encountered by human society.
The most unusual thing about the chupacabra is how it eats. Unlike most other similar animals, the chupacabra is believed to suck the blood from its victims – most commonly the goats from which it derives its name.