The Jersey Devil is a legendary creature that is said to inhabit the Pine Barrens of southern New Jersey in the United States.

While not the most terrifying creature in mythology, its appearance and origins are deeply connected to the fears of early colonial America.

Despite the lack of concrete evidence, the legend of the Jersey Devil remains a popular and enduring part of New Jersey folklore, and the creature has become a cultural icon in the state. The creature has been the subject of numerous books, films, and other media, and it continues to capture the imaginations of people around the world.

Jersey Devil Small


The creature’s appearance, as with those of many other folkloric creatures, is one that has tended to change with time. A few features, however, have remained consistent since the earliest versions of the stories surrounding the creature.

The Jersey Devil has always had cloven feet, usually resembling those of a goat, and is almost always portrayed as having wings. The creature usually has an animal-like head, usually said to resemble that of a goat or that of a horse.

The creature walks upright on two legs and sometimes is said (in later tales) to have a body that somewhat resembles that of a kangaroo.


The Jersey Devil is a creature of relatively modern and specific folklore, so it’s less a monster with related myths and more one that’s been the subject of countless local tales. The Jersey Devil is generally connected to the Leeds family of New Jersey, the cursed thirteenth child of Mother Leeds who took on the shape of a devil after its birth. From there, it fled into the woods where it continued to live.

Widespread stories about the Devil are, like those about Bigfoot, fairly rare. An early story in the late eighteenth or early nineteenth century concerned the creature being impervious to cannonball fire, while further tales of the nineteenth century concerned attacks on animals.

In 1909, hundreds of stories about the Jersey Devil were published. One of these stories even went so far as to claim that the creature attacked a trolley car, though even gunfire was unable to injure it. Like so many other similar creatures, it seems to come and go as it wishes with most encounters being deeply personal and thus quite hard to prove.

Stories about this monster are almost always fleeting encounters. When seen, it seems to scream and then fly away from humans. Many hunt for the Jersey Devil even today, but no one has gotten any clear evidence.

Jersey Devil Creature


Strangely enough, this creature isn’t generally said to be possessed of any supernatural powers. Instead, it possesses two notable traits the ability to fly and the ability to emit a fearsome scream. There are some tales of the Devil attacking livestock, but its rare encounters with humans don’t seem to end with violence on the part of the Jersey Devil. The creature does, however, seem to be entirely impervious to harm, with certain stories reporting it shrugging off cannon fire.

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